Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today we skipped riding class as Alexis felt ill. It sounds like she has some sort of gastric bug -- fever, vomiting, diarrhoea. Anyway, we all had trouble getting out of bed as usual, so it was just as well we didn't have to!

Made little headway with ironing and some tidying of the house. I went through the kids' shoes and threw out a dozen pairs. Terrible waste. I am so glad Poni is coming back tonight. We've been trying to keep some semblance of order in the house so that she doesn't think we are just hopeless housekeepers. I don't know what we will do in the US -- live in a tip, I suppose.

Then I had to go to work, the last Sunday, thank goodness of a month of Sundays. Though whaddya know, the desk has decided it's too painful to do one Sunday each so we're back to taking turns, which means I'll be working Sunday again less than a month from now! Argh.

The bright spot is that Dom is night editing, which makes life much simpler. But there were two stories today which had ominous outcomes... one was the lawsuit on herpes, and the other was the body found in a river, which turned out to be TT's grandma. She found out only when she got home from work and is devastated.


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